Bild från Bättre Hälsa
torsdag 20 september 2018
tisdag 18 september 2018
Mitten av september
By all these lovely tokens September days are here, with summer’s best of weather and autumn’s best of cheer.
~Helen Hunt Jackson
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måndag 10 september 2018
Valdag/Election Day
Karlhov, Södertälje, Sweden
© Laila SöderströmIdag gick jag iväg och tog tillvara på min demokratiska rätt. Det här är min väg mot vallokalen. Skuggorna leker över vägen, det blåser i träden. Den gamla kastanjen, på vänster sida, står med frukt och snart kan jag plocka mina höstdekorationer Men idag. ännu en sensommarkänsla med sol och 19ºC i luften.
Imorgon vaknar vi till ett resultat som jag hoppas inte innebär totalkaos i den svenska riksdagen.
Sunday 9/9 and Election Day in Sweden. An important day. And especially this year… It's blowing dark winds over the country.
Today I walk away and took my democratic right to vote. This is my way to the polling station.Shadows play around over the way, it's blowing in the trees. The old chestnut tree, on the left side, stands with fruit and soon I can pick my autumn decoration. But today it's still a late summer day with sun and 19ºC/ 66,2F.
Tomorrow we wake up to a result that I hope don't start a totaly chaos in the Swedish Parliament.
Today I walk away and took my democratic right to vote. This is my way to the polling station.Shadows play around over the way, it's blowing in the trees. The old chestnut tree, on the left side, stands with fruit and soon I can pick my autumn decoration. But today it's still a late summer day with sun and 19ºC/ 66,2F.
Tomorrow we wake up to a result that I hope don't start a totaly chaos in the Swedish Parliament.
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Etiketter: foton, fotoutmaning, Shadow shot Sunday, Södertälje
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